Enhanced Transaction Drawer Auto-Return Button Kit is Available Now!

Bavis Fabacraft’s electric transaction drawers are getting an upgrade! We’ve designed a new three-button drawer panel featuring improved reliability, easier serviceability and a sleek, new look. The new panel will be included in all new electric drawer sales going forward, and is also currently available as a service parts kit for upgrading old 2- and 3-button panels.
Item Highlights:
- Comes standard on, and is service-compatible with:
- 00500993 Large Electric Transaction Drawer
- 20000991 Medium Electric Transaction Drawer
- 30000991 Small Electric Transaction Drawer
- In, Out, and Auto-In buttons
- LED power indicator
- Backwards-compatible with previous two- and three-button panel models for easier service, and is the only button panel available for new orders and service calls
- New panel circuit board engineered without button springs to reduce fail rate
- Buttons made from more durable, wear-resistant material
Part Information and Service Tech Notes:
- Name and part number: Transaction Drawer Auto-return Button Kit – 00553998
- Includes: wiring harness, circuit board, surface mount box, snap-on edge cover, and mounting screws
- This is the part that must be used when servicing button panels going forward. It is a direct replacement for the following parts, which will no longer be available for order:
- 00553996 - TD Auto Return Button (3 button w/ box)
- 00553993 - In Counter Auto Return Button Flat Plate (3 button)
- 00589991 - TD 2 Button Switch
- 00553997 - TD Rocker Replacement Kit
If you need to service an installed drawer, you can request the new kit by submitting a parts request form on bavis.com or by emailing order details to info@bavis.com.