Bavis Fabacraft Q4 Update: More Specs, Easier Online Ordering and More!
2022 is flying by! Q3 helped us set the stage for some pretty big projects we're hoping to roll out in Q4 and early 2023. Let's take a look at the Q4 update, shall we?
2022 is flying by! Q3 helped us set the stage for some pretty big projects we're hoping to roll out in Q4 and early 2023. Let's take a look at the Q4 update, shall we?
In our ongoing efforts to boost engagement with the architecture and design community, and to better assist anyone with a drive-thru component on existing or upcoming projects, Bavis Fabacraft has joined the Sweets network!
We're pleased to officially announce our partnership with BIMsmith! Architects, designers and engineers can now find Bavis resources, including Revit files, product drawings/cut sheets, install manuals and other BIM via the BIMsmith market.
Remote lane conveyors have never worked so good! Get an in-depth look at the functionality and usability of Bavis' Captive Carrier TransTrax conveyor for second- and third-lane drive-thru. Director of Sales, Marcus Brewer, and VP of Manufacturing, Dave McCartt explain how the Captive Carrier is different from other remote lane solutions, which industries are using it (it's not just pharmacies anymore), and what kind of audio and video options are available to round out the drive-thru experience. Take a look!
Another quarter has come and gone, but our commitment to improving the customer experience at Bavis Fabacraft is as strong as ever. Our goal main for the second half of 2022 is to bring to completion several projects designed to help our customers and dealers get through the purchasing process as quickly and effortlessly as possible. In other words: We want to continue to make life easier for you. With that goal in mind, along with other key objectives we’re working toward, here’s a look at what’s new from Q2 …
Bavis Fabacraft engineered specialized pneumatic tube systems to integrate with Agility Recovery’s temporary branch recovery units, enabling full drive-thru service complete with audio and video enhancements. After the Bavis team conducted onsite testing and training at Agility Recovery’s facility in Georgia, the system was ready for real-world implementation. See how Agility Recovery leverages Bavis drive-thru solutions in this quick video.